Speech Therapy Evaluation

Speech Therapy Evaluation

Speech Therapy Evaluation

Speech Therapy Evaluation

Speech Therapy Evaluation

Speech and Language Evaluation

Options for Scheduling an Evaluation

  1. Email us (info@thelearningsphere.com) to start the process, learn more about our speech and language evaluation services, or schedule a phone call with a speech-language pathologist.

  2. Contact us at 713-517-9131 to leave a message with our answering service. If you call during office hours, a speech-language pathologist will return your call the same day.​​​​​​​


Your child will be evaluated by a warm, caring, highly skilled speech-language pathologist who will take time to answer your questions and address your concerns. All evaluations include a written report and recommendations.

Comprehensive Evaluation: A comprehensive Speech Therapy Evaluation includes an evaluation of speech, language, communication, oral motor, and social communication skills. ( $375)

Speech/Articulation (Speech Sound) Evaluation: This evaluation will provide developmental information about how your child produces his/her sounds and includes an oral motor and speech assessment. ($275)

Evaluation of Stuttering: This evaluation will determine whether your child's disfluency is stuttering or part of typical development and how to help. ($275)

Evaluation for Myofunctional: This evaluation is for children scheduled for a tongue tie procedure and needs pre-op and post-op treatment OR to determine whether a child has a tongue tie and if it impacts their speech production. ($200)

**A $50 reservation fee will be collected when you schedule your appointment.**

Schedule Evaluation

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