Schedule a Screening:
Individual Speech & Language Screenings: $90
The 30 minute individual screening is conducted at our office. Your child will be screened for Speech and Language skills. A screening is a quick look at how your child is functioning and helps to determine whether there are any developmental "red flags" and if further evaluation is warranted.
Group Speech, Language, Vision & Hearing Screenings at a School: CONTACT US to schedule screenings in all four areas: vision, hearing, speech, and language (Discounted price for group screenings).
Why Screenings?
If your child has a deficit in any of the above areas, that deficit can adversely affect his or her performance at school.
Screenings are brief tests designed to rule out whether your child is at risk and requires further evaluation, or if your child appears to be developing typically.
After your screening, a Speech-Language Pathologist will guide you in the next steps for helping your child realize his/her full potential.
Who Provides Our Screenings?
Your child will be screened by a friendly professional certified by the American Speech and Hearing Association to screen speech, language, and hearing skills. Our professionals are also certified by the Texas Department of State Health Services for vision and hearing.
Where are Screenings Provided?
At Schools — we screen large groups or individuals
At our Office — individual appointments.
Our office is located at 2500 Fondren, Ste. 205, Houston 77063 at the Piney Point Offices (Houston Memorial/Piney Point area).
More Information:
Vision Screenings
Hearing Screenings
Speech Therapy Screening